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We are neither this way nor that; we are a body which is in the midst of change and evaporating. We are timeless, thousands of years old, and involved with processes which go beyond our present identity. This gives us an eternal feeling, but one which is realizable right here in the moment.


Arnold Mindell


Lisa Foale Process Work


The work supports the journey of knowing ourselves and building perspective when often we have made sense of the world with our child self’s logic which we continue to apply without really realising it. This happens both at the conscious level and within the subconscious which we access to find new parts of ourselves as a resource for difficult times or for life in general.

This approach is incredibly useful in all aspects of difficulty in life and sees these as doorways to new parts while at the same time honouring the pain and grief we experience. The result of the work is often the evolving and strengthening of the part of us that can observe ourselves in the world and increasing flexibility. It is both a therapeutic process and a tool that we can learn to use ourselves.

The Processwork approach advocates for working in the moment with what arises while at the same time holding the bigger picture. Being process oriented means we allow each aspect of the experience to be processed as it arises.  Whilst the facilitator holds the overarching picture, there is humility in that the process is the teacher and guide and outcomes are often surprising. This work is done with deep reverence and honouring of the human spirit.


I have worked with clients since 2011 in Processwork. I approach my work with deep respect for the person, their experience and their underlying process. The process itself guides the work.
In my other parallel life, I am an architect and urban designer and delight in exploring the process of design and how the built form emerges from its dreamt beginnings.


• Bachelor of Architecture, 1996 (University of Cape Town)
• Masters in City Planning and Urban Design, 2001 (University of Cape Town)
• Processwork Institute, 2016, Masters in Process Oriented Facilitation and Conflict Studies
• Processwork Institute, 2019, Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Process-Oriented Facilitation
• Processwork Institute, 2020, Diploma in Process Work

Lisa Foale Process Work


The subconscious is so vast and any aspect of life can act as a doorway, be it a dream, a conflict – minor or major, body symptoms and illnesses, addictions, trauma, anxiety, life change or loss, grief, dementia or end of life. My focus of work is towards people who are curious about themselves and want to understand and explore the deeper meaning behind everyday aspects of life and what it is to be human.


Please contact me to discuss my approach or to set up an appointment


+27 73 522 4068



136 Main Road
Kalk Bay
Cape Town

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